Tag: performance art
Bobby G
On the evening of Jack Smith’s performance as Sinbad Glick in Exotic Landlordism of the World, the house was packed. Jack, his cast, and considerable entourage were upstairs readying themselves for the show. It began with the most exotic music piped down from upstairs: antique Persian love songs, North African dance music, Hollywood B-movie music…
Constance DeJong
I started to perform it before it was finished. I’m not sure I told The Kitchen that. But I knew I was going to finish it. So anyway, that double bill you mentioned, which was the first time The Kitchen had a literature event, I performed the first three volumes. At that time, and still…
Mike Iveson
They made me smoke a cigarette in a gopher mask. They made me play the slut in Sartre’s play No Exit, and I had to wear the same skirt and vinyl boots they were wearing. They made me do a duet with Pooky, a.k.a. Richard Move, where I wore a mask beneath another mask. Pooky…
David Tremlett
There’s a piece at the Tate that was made of cassettes. On each of them is the sound of one county in England. But all you hear is the water or the wind or the rain. That’s it. Sometimes you hear the sound of a bird. In essence, it’s something with no mechanical sounds, ‘it…
Eleanor Antin
I remember the time I stopped an artwork and for me, that’s one of the 8 deadly sins, censoring an artwork. I had asked the students to make a criminal artwork, to do a crime, as it were, but not to hurt themselves or anybody else. One kid brought in a thriving rubber plant and…